Meet Rachel Madden

Spiritual Alchemist & Energy Medicine Practitioner

“If you want something youʼve never had you have to do something youʼve never done.”

Rachel Madden Practitioner

Spiritual Awakenings can feel isolating and confronting, Iʼm an expert at helping people through “the dark night of the soul” to own ones metaphysical reality. I am here with a mission, I remember life before birth and have always remained connected to and aware of my cosmic roots. This has given me an edge in sessions that allows me to see through to the core issues holding you back. It has also gifted me with the ability to hold the highest love, compassion and timeline in view. I am wholeheartedly committed to helping you realise profound healing so that you feel secure, safe, grounded and empowered in your own truth and confidently express freely from that place.

Rachel can help you with:

- Complete Prosperity - Overcoming poverty consciousness
- Children and Family - Healing & Spiritual Coaching for parents
- Home and Land Clearing
- Spiritual Hygiene & Alignment - Cleansing and purifying your field to shine brighter
- Ultimate Freedom & Empowerment - Releasing the old paradigm to step into the new

Here's a message from Rachel:

“Itʼs not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” - William Shakespeare

Book a Session with Rachel

Please note that all prices are in AUD $

Spiritual Alchemy

Session - 90 minutes

AUD $295



SESSION - 75 minutes

AUD $260



SESSION - 75 minutes

AUD $ 240


  • Rezinate

    Rachel is a light beam and a safe place to learn and explore more about the inner working of ourselves. After my 2 sessions with Rachel, I have had positive and life changing moments. She was able to hold me in a safe and loving environment where I was able to lean into all of me and find answers to many questions that have plagued me. She is a natural space holder and her prompts and guidance make the sessions easy to follow and provide natural flow. You wont regret ever using her service, if you are willing to let yourself be vulnerable and be guided into this amazing healing.

    Emma Rennie-Hynes ,

  • Rezinate

    Rachel has a unique approach to healing with experiences in many different modalities giving an edge of uniqueness and diverse processes for approaching each individual’s journey. Rachel's unique approach helps you develop your own creation of health and well being allowing for growth and expansiveness in the area you are working-on while being guided and supported along the journey to creating and leading the life you want.

    Sue Tillotson ,

  • Rezinate

    Wow. That was the most powerful quantum healing I've ever recieved and I've done a lot.

    Greer Ashley Christos , Energy Medicine Room

Q & A with Rachel

Learn more about Rezinate's Healing Practitioner Rachel and what she is all about

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What is your favourite quote?

“You don't create abundance. Abundance is always present. You just create limitations.” -

What drives you?

My greatest driving force is to create Heaven on Earth, it is possible and it can be achieved in your lifetime! It all starts within, everything starts as energy and comes to life through your field, voice and actions. Your heart holds within it the highest and most precious healing gifts you need for deep and profound resolution in every area of your life. I help people access this internal intelligence and energy, master their reality, step into and own their birthright and live a life of miracles, magic, joy and wonder! See? Heaven on Earth, itʼs yours for the creating. 

What animal most represents you?

Pegasus - Shines as a symbol of bravery, immortality and spiritual elevation. Epitomising purity, innocence, divine wisdom and carrying the faithful to the heavens. Pegasus brings Earth and Sky together. Gaia and Spirit join as one to explore and unite all realms. Pegasus embodies the adventurous freedom of Wild Horse medicine. It won't be tethered or held back from its mission.

What is your element?

Water - fluid, powerful, nourishing, exists in every state of matter and connects all life and form from Earth through the Cosmos.

Tools and Processes Rachel Employs 


Spiritual Alchemy

A powerful deep dive into setting your CREATIVE DREAMING and unlocking all of the blocks in the way so you can thrive. This advanced timeline regression is a multi-dimensional journey into the heart of what is showing up in your life today.

Energy Medicine

Shamanic journeying into a deep quantum healing container to look at what energy repair is needed and to return the whole system (mind body and spirit) back to a harmonic frequency and operation.

Holographic Kinetics

A deep dive into energetic interference and dark forces that overtake the system and using processes to change the past, present and future to break free from old patterns, invading forces and physical issues.

Lightwave Energy Infusion Process

An activation and healing modality that works in conjunction with ones higher self to recalibrate and heal the human body. Transcending linear space and time, this modality assists one on the journey into higher consciousness.

Harmonising DNA

Lovingly created meditations and soundscapes that activate alpha brain state and pure heart alignment to reprogram and heal your blueprint back to its original state of perfection.

Chakra Balancing

Clean, clear and infuse key energy centres with advanced metaphysical techniques and colour therapy to strengthen, balance and align ones etheric body for maximum energy and vitality. Excellent for defining and grounding oneʼs energy in the here and now.

Pranayama Techniques

Prana is the vital force that sustains creation at every level. Attain and maintain balance in the body and mind by connecting life force energy with specific breath work exercises.

Womanʼs Shamanic Practices

Sacred womens craft and wisdom through ancient ceremonial techniques to help women rekindle and awaken their innate sacred wise woman.

Qualifications and Experiences

  • Spiritual Alchemy level 1 & 2, 2022 - 2023
  • Energy Medicine level 1, 2023
  • Holographic Kenetics, 2020
  • Lightwave Energy Infusion Process, 2020
  • 5D Sacred Mystery Initiations and Ambassador Training, 2006-2008 Harmonising DNA
  • Sound and Frequency Healing, 2002
  • Chakra balancing, 2002
  • Oki Do Yoga Teacher, 2002-2010
  • Meiso & Zen Shiatsu Practitioner, 2002-2010
  • Heartworks Lomi Lomi 2002 & 2019
  • Womanʼs Shamanic Rights of Passage 2002
  • Esoteric Astrology 2002
  • Remedial & Swedish Massage 2001
  • Reiki Master Healer, 2001
  • Study of Health Science - Herbalism and Musculoskeletal Therapy 2000 & 2011 

Rachel Practitioner symbol

Book a Session with Rachel

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