Discover  Your
Animal Totem

Animal totems hold more significance than just being a cute new-age tool to play with. They are in fact the most ancient form of archetypes that indigenous cultures have used for thousands of years as their ‘medicine’, or way to walk their path. 

NOW, What do we mean by medicine?

Your animal totem represents your personal medicine needs. Think of it as spiritual healing within that enables you to act confidently, with a peaceful mind, in the real world.

 Once you connect to your animal totem you are able to tap into its essence and go on to embody the qualities and behaviours that will allow you to lead your best life on a spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, and metaphysical level. Whilst you may connect and work with many animal archetypes over the course of your life to cope with specifically challenging situations, there is ONE animal totem that stays connected to you for a lifetime. (Although it is possible, it’s very rare for a person’s medicine animal totem to change.)

This life-long animal totem is called your personal medicine.

Once you clarify your animal totem, you can decipher how best to embody its qualities and habits to best access your energy medicine, personal healing, identity, and power and tools to thrive. 

Let’s look at animal totem coach James Pask’s Medicine animal, which is a WOLF, for a brief explanation of what animal medicine is all about.

The wolf totem is all about teaching wisdom. James has made it his life’s mission to study, seek out information, and apply the lessons in his personal life, as well as his spiritual teaching and healing.

The wolf is independent and goes out alone to learn about life, but will always come back to the pack and share the wisdom gained. James embodies this spirit of his animal totem, as he swims against the stream to acquire knowledge that the mainstream world hasn’t yet recognised. He distils this knowledge into teaching spiritual courses.



Let James use his considerable skills as a spiritual and energy coach to help you connect to your personal animal medicine and begin healing your spirit and your energy! $175


Once you’ve connected to your animal totem and learnt the basics of animal medicine, you can get Debbie Pask's follow-up session and discover how to work with your totem in everyday life! $139

James Pask

The totem wolf’s senses

The wolf has a keen nose and sense of smell, and feels and senses things in the body as intuitive radar.

James is at his most psychical clear when he tunes into his animal totem’s senses. In this state he is more kinaesthetic (feelings-orientated), which means he’s better able to feel energy than to see it.

James has been most successful when embodying these qualities in life and work. After you’ve connected with your animal totem and seen the positive effects of animal medicine, you can begin to use the energy in all aspects of your life.

Connecting with your animal totem can be life transforming and spiritually healing, especially as you get better at manifesting its positive natural traits.

What does an animal medicine session involve?

  • James Pask will tune in and connect to your animal totem before your Skype/phone session. Once that is done, James will collect the information on your animal and prepare any notes required.

  • You will be provided with further reading about animal medicine and healing if you wish to know more. You'll also be directed to other sources of information and animal totems and spiritual healing.

  • Your 50-minute session will involve discussion of your animal totem, how to work with your animal, and the qualities to embody for overarching spiritual health and well-being. 

  • You'll get an email with an audio file for guided meditation. Use this meditation to connect with your totem animal and benefit from animal medicine.



Should you choose to go further and establish a more profound connection with your totem animal, you can book a 50-minute session with Debbie Pask. During this session you will achieve the following:

  • Review your key life areas and look at where you need to embody more of your animal medicine for energy healing and to create positive changes in your life.
  • Create an action plan with real world strategies to implement animal medicine in all aspects of your life. You’ll also learn how to measure the effectiveness of your training as you go about your daily life.
  • Prepare specific experiential journeys for you to practice getting more in touch with your totem animal.

It doesn’t end there!

After you've completed the first session, you have the option to book a 2nd follow-up session with Debbie Pask. In this session , you'll go even further into the many ways you can apply animal medicine to all aspects of your life. 


  • Rezinate

    “Hi Debbie, i just wanted to thank you for the support you have given me on my long journey to add to my family. I came to you broken, after 3 1/2 painful years of trying to conceive a second child. I had all but given up. We had tried 5 rounds of unsuccessful IVF and had 3 heart wrenching miscarriages. A friend recommended I come and see you. I was highly skeptical having never had Reiki before but reaching desperation and willing to try anything I booked an appointment. Meeting you was the turning point in my life. I“ll never forget after our first session you looked me in the eyes and told me to stop trying IVF it wouldn’t work for me…I was devastated, I thought I would never have another baby – then as my tears started to roll you told me I would fall pregnant with a boy in a few months then quite quickly after that I would fall pregnant with a little girl. I left confused but optimistic, I so wanted to believe my dream would come true. 2 months later I fell pregnant with a little boy and as you know we just gave birth to our gorgeous little girl (2 children under 17 months)…you were right. You have become an integral part of my life and the lives of so many of my friends who I have sent to you, all of whom sing your praises. I am forever indebted to you for your wisdom and your gift of healing, my life is so much better for having you in it.”

    Sydney, 2011

  • Rezinate

    “My sessions with James have supported me to gain clarity and subsequently, confidence in my life journey. Things have definitely changed since my very first session. I no longer feel the burden of a traumatic time I have been carrying for seven years. It's just disappeared. It is literally no longer an issue for me. Quite extraordinary.

    Very grateful to James.”

    Creative Director